Patient Responsibilities

The care the patient received depends partially on the patient; therefore, patients who are recipients of health care services are responsible for the following:



  • Patients are responsible for providing accurate and complete information regarding their health status, medical history, and current medications.
  • Patients are responsible for reporting any change in their condition during the present course of treatment and recovery.
  • Patients are responsible for participating in care decisions and for asking questions when they do not understand the information provided.


Respecting others

  • Patients have the responsibility to be considerate of others, including health care professionals and staff, as well as other patients, and to respect their rights, privacy, and property.


  • Patients are responsible for adhering to the plan of treatment by following instructions, participating in his/her care, keeping appointments, and cooperating with care providers who assist with carrying out the plan(s) of care.
  • Patients are responsible for recognizing the effect of lifestyle choices on their personal health.


Financial obligations

  • Patients are responsible for providing complete and accurate third party payer information and meeting any outstanding financial obligations related to the services received.
  • Collaboration and agreement of payment policies and fees for services will be documented.
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